Making Henry Smile - Slice Of Life Stories #TehnazBahadurji

Oh Henry, what a marvellous Christmas this has turned out to be, and I never thought I'd say that again after you died. I'm sitting here alone in my old armchair in our quiet living room now, with only the mute television for company, but the quiet is filled with happy memories of a wonderful day and, in its own way, quite a wonderful year before it. Now you know a lot of this, but not today's adventures, so I'm going to recap it all in sequence. It started, as you know, at the dentist's. My dentures were making an awful clacking old lady noise when I opened my mouth, and a lisping hissy sound when I spoke. It was driving me demented and I knew I was driving the poor dentist crazy, but I had to get rid of that noise or it would drive me to my grave. Not that I minded going there, since I'm just waiting to join you anyway. Now, don't scold, Henry, for when I said that to the dentist, it got him right fired up too. I was not to give up on life, and I was st...